Sunday, 27 September 2015

Just a bit of painting

Another weekend bites the dust. Sadly we don't have too much to report. It really was a weekend of a lot of painting. And even that wasn't heaps.

Dave sanded some weatherboards outside which we drying out a bit in the weather. Then we did another sealer coat and a couple of top coats. Still not finished though.

Then inside, I painted the back of the shelves the same blue that I painted above the fireplace.

First coat of blue.

 And I did an undercoat and one top coat of the white on the VJ paneling,
 Dave did cut all the timber for the cleats to hold up the shelves, and I had a little helper with the painting of them. She was a sick girl this weekend with a bout of gastro but doesn't stop her from getting on with the work.

Hoping to get to work on the shelves this week. That will make it all look different again. I am so glad we ended up doing this ourselves because it would have cost a fortune to have made.

So that is about all for the moment.


  1. Paint looks fab, Nat. Both with light and dark. Great choice! Cute little helper you have.

    1. Thanks. I fear I will get sick of it but it is an easy change down the track so why not?
