Monday, 1 April 2013

Shed cleanup II


So today I painted some of the bench in the shed and added some pretty containers.

Our small shed from the outside. Still rubbish outside to dispose of.
Previously you couldn't even walk in the door. Now there is floor space and clean floor space at that. The dirt and leave and vines were covering the floor before.
Here is where I painted the workbench top. Still got more today but maybe another day.

Here is the shelves with paint tins, metal things and plumbing supplies. Also a shelf full of fasteners.

And below are rolls of stuff, electrical things in that big container, drop sheets (ie old sheets), and random things that didn't fit anywhere else. All the tools are on the other side of the shed but I couldn't move those. Too heavy.

So I am thrilled with my efforts and just want to stand in there and look at it.


  1. Cleaning out and organising are the worlds greatest feeling. Your shed looks great.

  2. Thanks Pol. I regret not taking a before shot then you'd really appreciate the change.
